Johnnie Hård M.Sc. Geomatics, Fullstack-developer

I am an experienced full-stack web developer with a passion for problem-solving. I thrive when working on projects that span the entire web stack – from architecting and planning, to ensuring a seamless front-end user experience.

As a strong team player, I enjoy actively engaging in adapting team processes to improve collaboration and achieve better results. With a solid academic background in geography and geospatial analysis, I have developed various applications focused on maps and geographical data. My experience includes:

  • Building a flood risk analysis application
  • Creating tools for biologists and other professionals to manage urban tree inventories
  • Developing a platform to help municipalities plan for future school needs

I take great pride in working closely with domain experts, harnessing my technical skills to empower them and enhance their work through custom-built software solutions.



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